Supporting Recovery

From Family, Domestic and Sexual Violence – South West Sydney

Supporting Recovery is a new program providing access to ongoing, free, trauma informed psychological therapies for people in South West Sydney who have experienced family, domestic and sexual violence.

Lady with young girl

Are you looking to make a referral for a client?

Is this program for you?

Supporting Recovery is open to anyone in South Western Sydney who has been impacted by family, domestic and sexual violence. The program welcomes people of all identities including First Nations peoples, people living with disability, members of LGBTQIA+ communities and people from multicultural communities.

How to access this program?

If you believe Supporting Recovery can help you, there are two ways you can access the program.

You can click on the button below and fill out a referral form yourself.

However, if you are more comfortable, you can discuss this with your Case Manager and they can complete a referral form with you.

About the Supporting Recovery program

Your first point of contact is the Local Care Team who will help coordinate and manage your recovery journey.

They will connect you with an experienced counsellor or mental health practitioner who will work with you to support your recovery journey using evidence-based therapies. The Local Care Team can also support you to identify and connect with a range of other services such as legal, financial and housing supports.

How the program works

The services offered as part of the Supporting Recovery program are available to you at no cost, for a period up to 2 years. The dedicated Supporting Recovery team includes experienced and trained therapists such as counsellors, psychologists and social workers who specialise in providing trauma-informed and client-centered mental health care.

The therapies offered are holistic, culturally appropriate and will support your safety, choice and control. Support may also be available to children and other family members who have been directly or indirectly impacted by family, domestic or sexual violence.

Mental health support and counselling for you for up to two years at no cost

How can you find out more about Supporting Recovery?

To find out more about Supporting Recovery, please read the Frequently Asked Questions section below or call 1300 316 554.

Our commitment to you


Your physical, emotional and cultural safety will be a priority at all sessions.


You will have control of the supports you receive and your opinions will be heard every step of your recovery journey.


You will share in all decision making and will be supported in making choices.


Your dignity, integrity, and lived experience will be respected and supported by professional and caring therapists.


Your recovery and healing will be the focus of all contact you have with your care team.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Family and domestic violence happens when one person in a relationship repeatedly hurts another person or makes them feel unsafe. It can happen between intimate partners, between parent and child, between siblings or extended family members. 

It includes any behaviour that is violent, threatening or controlling and may include physical violence, sexual assault and coercion, emotional and financial abuse, intimidation, humiliation and stalking. 

Sexual violence is a particular type of abuse that can include sexual assault, sexual threat and sexual harassment.

Sexual violence can also include sharing and distributing intimate images or recordings without consent, this is also known as image-based abuse and ‘revenge porn’.

These experiences often lead to a long-lasting negative impact on your psychological, emotional and physical wellbeing – this is called a trauma response. The impact of this trauma may be obvious immediately or it may have taken years for you to notice.  You may be feeling physically unwell, have mood swings, feel sad or hopeless, avoid certain situations, have difficulty in your relationships, be on edge a lot of the time, not sleep well or just not feel right.

If this is you and you have experienced family, domestic or sexual violence at any time – including a one-off incident or a pattern of repeated incidents – the Supporting Recovery program may be able to help you.

You will be asked about your lived experience of family, domestic, or sexual violence and the support you have received or currently receive. You can decide what you are comfortable sharing. Your safety and dignity will always be respected.

Some information may be shared between services involved in your care pathway to support an effective collaboration. You will be asked to give consent before any information is shared, and you have the right to say no.

Local Care Teams will be located in South Western Sydney, servicing the Liverpool, Campbelltown and Fairfield Local Government Areas (LGAs).

Supporting Recovery is a free program – you will not have to pay at any time and have access to up to 2 years of support.

If you have experienced family, domestic, or sexual violence and you need support to recover and heal, the Supporting Recovery Program could help you.

You can fill out a self-referral form to receive an initial assessment by the Local Care Team. Following this assessment and discussion with the Local Care Team, you can decide if the program is right for you. You do not have to continue with the program if you do not feel it can help you.

You can also call 1300 316 554 or email with any questions you have.

A Mental Health Treatment Plan or GP referral is not required for the program.

If you are currently experiencing domestic violence and need crisis support, call 1800RESPECT (1800737732 ). If you are in immediate danger, call the police on 000.